One Man’s Trash

Slide07Honing my photography in New York City is an inviting challenge; while I discovered a knack for framing images in the open spaces of Vermont and the Adirondacks, I am pleased that I have a city as a test canvas for my developing skills.

It is undoubtedly harder to shoot in the city, in my opinion. The angularity of it all, coupled with persistent shadows, presents a challenge. And any time I find myself in an iconic location, I feel like a tourist if I pull out my camera. There are only so many ways to capture a subject, even if it is full of majesty, and I am certainly not skilled enough to produce definitive images of a well known landmark.

That is why I have found it vital to look closer, to discover beauty in seemingly nondescript locations. There is a world of contrast and contradiction on every block — what is trash to someone might just reveal itself to be treasure to another.

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