Best of June

I plan to keep a monthly running tally of my best photographs — or the ones that invoke thoughtful, inspiring, or funny stories. Many of my favorite selected photographs can be viewed in the Landscape, City, and Travel sections of the Photography page, but the monthly feature will help to keep the homepage fresh with new content.

Boston, MA — a city that I adore but have spent little time in growing up besides family trips to Fenway Park. Someday, I’d love to live there.
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Pittsburgh, PA — a juxtaposition of old and new, and a rare Pittsburgh photograph that doesn’t feature a bridge!
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The neighbors’ barn in Westport, NY. During my visit to the North Country a few weeks ago, the farm was as lively as I’ve ever seen it.
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Maddie on the final mile of the bike section during the Tupper Lake Olympic triathlon.
Full disclosure: I was only able to capture this close-up shot because the bird in this image had just crashed into my window. Fortunately it flew off a few moments later, but not before I took the opportunity to get up close.



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